Truly Fit Mom

Truly Fit Mom

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Changes Are Coming

If you have been waiting on the start of classes I want to thank you for you patience. I had everything set to go for classes to be held in Fishhawk Ranch when some life changes happened. A big life change is my husband and I are purchasing our first home just South of here. Due to the location of our home it will not be feasible for us (my 2 daughters and myself) to drive back and forth daily (sometimes more than once) for class to be held in Fishhawk. After a lot of thought I have decided to change the location of classes to Vance Vogel Park (meet at the playground) at least for the near future. I also have decided to postpone the opening of Just for Mommy classes until I see if there is more interest in the class.

Next week (May 5th-9th) I will be offering a week of free classes. You are welcome to come to one or come to every class and it will be entirely free. Please arrive 10 min early!

Below you will find the new class information, schedule, and pricing. I hope to see you all there! Remember the first class is free and feel free to bring a friend or two :)

Baby on Board
Class description:

Baby on Board is a 1hr prenatal fitness class that is specially designed for the expecting mother. Throughout the class we will do cardio, stretching, and strength training to help you prepare for childbirth and the days, weeks, months, and years after. We will discuss nutrition, all things baby, childbirth, and much more. If you have a child(ren) already, please feel free to bring them to our Baby on Board class.

Class details:

                Class Times:

                                Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-10:00O Vance Vogel Park (meet by the playground)

                                Thursday Evening 5:30-6:30 Vance Vogel Park (meet by the playground)

Please bring the following:

Yoga mat and/or a blanket or towel


If you are bringing children (stroller-and anything they may need)

Sunglasses/sunscreen – classes will be spent entirely outdoors.

                Class Prices/Packages – Can pay in person by cash, check, card, or online via paypal

                                Single Class-$10.00

                                5 Class Pass-$45.00

                                10 Class Pass $85.00

                                Monthly Membership-$65.00 + (1 time yearly registration fee of $10.00)

                                                Membership includes:

                                                                -All classes for your specific membership

                                                                -Moms Night Out

                                                               -Playgroup- Free Craft Materials

                                                               -Free Family Fitness Day- offered twice a month

                                                               -Monthly News letter

                                                             - Access to At-Home workouts

                                                             - Access to Monthly Fitness/health Challenges and
                                                               Healthy Recipes

                                                              - bi-weekly one-on-one meeting with an instructor to discuss your
                                                                goals and progress
Mommy and Me
Class Description:
Mommy and Me- This is not your ordinary fitness class. During this 1hr interactive fitness class we encourage play for your little one while mommy gets a great workout! Moms will be doing exercises while playing games, singing songs, playing instruments, and much more with your little workout buddy. It’s sure to be a lot of fun for everyone! Pregnant women are more than welcome to attend this class!

Class Details:

                Class Times:
                             Monday, Wednesday, Friday (9:30-10:30) at Vance Vogel Park (meet at the playground)
                   Please Bring the Following:

Yoga mat and/or a blanket or towel


stroller and/or baby carrier and anything they may need

Sunglasses/sunscreen/hats – Classes are entirely outdoors and it can get hot.

                     Class Prices/Packages – Can pay in person by cash, check, card, or online via paypal

                                Single Class-$10.00

                                5 Class Pass-$45.00

                                10 Class Pass $85.00

                                Monthly Membership-$65.00 + (1 time yearly registration fee of $10.00)

                                                Membership includes:

                                                                -All classes for your specific membership

                                                                -Moms Night Out

                                                               -Playgroup- Free Craft Materials

                                                               -Free Family Fitness Day- offered twice a month

                                                               -Monthly News letter

                                                             - Access to At-Home workouts

                                                             - Access to Monthly Fitness/health Challenges and
                                                               Healthy Recipes

                                                              - bi-weekly one-on-one meeting with an instructor to discuss your
                                                                goals and progress
All Session Prenatal Pass: $85.00 + (1 time yearly registration fee of $10.00)

                                                Membership includes:

                                                                -Unlimited access to all Truly Fit Classes (up to 7 classes a week!)

                                                                -Moms Night Out

                                                               -Playgroup- Free Craft Materials

                                                               -Free Family Fitness Day- offered twice a month

                                                               -Monthly News letter

                                                             - Access to At-Home workouts

                                                             - Access to Monthly Fitness/health Challenges and
                                                               Healthy Recipes

                                                              - bi-weekly one-on-one meeting with an instructor to discuss your
                                                                goals and progress

Monday - Mommy and Me 9:30-10:30

Tuesday- Baby on Board 9:00-10:00
                Mommy and Me 5:30-6:30

Wednesday-Mommy and Me 9:30-10:30

Thursday-Baby on Board 9:00-10:00
                 Baby on Board 5:30-6:30

Friday-Mommy and Me 9:30-10:30

Vance Vogel Park : 13012 Bullfrog Creek Road  Gibsonton, FL 33534 (Off Big Bend Rd between 301 and 75)
    For Directions Click HERE! 


Monday, April 21, 2014


I know what your thinking, you have been standing practically your entire life so why am I writing a blog entry to talk about standing and posture? Here is the simple truth, chances are you are doing it incorrectly and as a result your body is suffering. Do you have little aches and pains in your back, neck, hips, legs, etc.? All of that could be reversed simply by standing correctly.

Correct Posture
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
  • Knees relaxed (not locked)
  • Your weight should be evenly distributed on the balls of your feet (not your heel or your toes)
  • Arms should be lose and comfortable at your side
  • Draw your hips slightly forward and your tailbone down
  • Shoulders back and in a neutral position (people often bring their shoulder up towards their ears and forward when they are stressed often times without even noticing it)
  • Head and neck up
  • Elongate your spine (think tall!)
Having the correct posture will instantly make you look slimmer and more confident. Posture is especially important during pregnancy. Having correct posture can help ward off little aches and pains throughout your body and can help your body bounce back more quickly from pregnancy and childbirth.

Correct Pregnancy Posture
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
  • Knees relaxed (not locked)
  • Your weight should be evenly distributed on the balls of your feet (not your heel or your toes)
  • Arms should be lose and comfortable at your side
  • Draw your hips slightly forward and your tailbone down
  • Suck your bellybutton in and up- This will engage your core muscles and help your body carry the
  •       weight of the baby better
  • Shoulders back and in a neutral position (people often bring their shoulder up towards their ears
  •       and forward when they are stressed often times without even noticing it)
  • Head and neck up
  • Elongate your spine (think tall!)

  • Try correcting your posture by looking in a mirror. If your having trouble remembering to hold correct posture throughout the day try setting yourself little reminders on you phone that will alert you or a sticky note on somewhere you frequently visit like the kitchen sink (because we all know your getting the recommend amount of daily water right...!)


    "Be YOUrself, everyone else is taken."- unknown

    Have a question/comment/concern? Leave us a comment below or email us at Don't forget to Like us on Facebook

    Know Your Worth

    Know your worth! You are amazing so don't accept anything less!

    Friday, April 18, 2014

    Birth Story of the Week!

     ***Disclaimer- This post was written by a guest blogger and are the opinions/ideas/views of the author and not necessarily that of Truly Fit. ***
    My plan was to wait as long as I could before heading to the hospital. Well, I kinda screwed up my own  I convinced hubby to have sex Sunday morning to see if we could get things moving (I was 40w 1d at that point). I had walked 3 miles a day for the past few days and did squats, but she wasn't ready yet. Well, after sex, I was bleeding - period heavy blood, not just spotting. So I called Labor and Delivery. They had me monitor it for an hour. I showered and ate. An hour later, there was still heavier blood and very slight cramping. I wasn't feeling any contractions or anything at this point. When I called back, they said I should come in to get checked out. We took our time getting everything together and headed to the hospital. I was checked when I got there and was 6 cm and having mild contractions 2 minutes apart (that I couldn't feel) and still bleeding. (This was Sunday and on Tuesday, I was checked at my appointment – I was 5cm dilated and 100% effaced but not having any contractions.) They admitted me. I gave the nurse my birth plan and she discussed it with me. The doc got there about an hour after I did. He checked me and said he could break my water and we would have the baby today or it could be tomorrow until she came. Either way, I wasn't going home. They mentioned that my birth plan requested my water not be broken. They gave us time to discuss it and didn't pressure us. Since I wasn't going home and now all my diet could be was ice chips and a graham cracker here and there for who knows how long, I decided to let him break my water. This was at 1250pm. They pretty much followed my birth plan and if something that came up that they recommended something different, they discussed it with me and gave me the opportunity to make the decision.

    After my water broke, my contractions gradually got stronger. The nurse didn’t push me to get an epidural – she asked once and when I said no, she never asked again. She left the room and let me labor. I did ask to not be continually monitored and they agreed as long as I was hooked up for at least 20 minutes every hour. I ended up just keeping the monitors on and unplugging them when I went to the bathroom. I was curious what the readings were and it was too much of a hassle to take them off.  I had plenty of range to walk, squat and move around without feeling constrained by them.  I called the nurse in at one point when the contractions were getting stronger. I think it was around 345pm. She checked me again for dilation and I was 8cm at this point. I continued to labor with my mom in the room and Jmy husband by my side. About an hour later, I was overcome with a different feeling during a contraction. About this time was the worst part for me, but I knew I made it this far without meds and the rest wouldn’t take long and I could do it.  I kinda felt like I had to puke and then needed to push, but wasn’t exactly sure if that was the “urge to push” they always talk about. I called the nurse back in and she checked me again and I was 10cm. She called the doc and he showed up 10 min later. She came back in right away and said we are going to start pushing. I did have them count for me and pushed three times through each contraction. It took Alex a bit to get fully engaged in the birth canal. I did lay down in the bed to push, but I was at an angle and had a birthing bar in place instead of using stirrups which I think helped. I didn’t have the lights dim in the room or music playing. I had Fox pregame on since the Super Bowl was coming on soon. During the earlier contractions, I was using my phone to text/message and check facebook. I guess that was my way of focusing. While pushing, at one point, I looked up at the tv and saw kickoff and said “at least I didn’t miss kickoff.” Everyone laughed and my doctor responded with who got the ball? I said Denver, but it wasn’t a very good return. Then I said here comes another contraction. I pushed and it was either this contraction or the one right after that she crowned and immediately came the rest of the way out. She was born at 535pm – 3 minutes after kickoff of the Super Bowl.

    They did wrap her in a towel before putting her on me which we did discuss and I did feed her a little bit right away (the initial latch hurt and wasn’t good!)   They waited for the cord to stop pulsing and then clamped it and my husband cut it. They gave me a Pitocin IV to help prevent hemorrhaging after delivering the placenta. This also was slightly different from my plan, but we talked about it beforehand. I don’t feel like it negatively affected me.

    Overall, I was extremely happy with my experience. I had an amazing nurse and doctor that were pro-natural birth. From the time my water broke to the time I had my baby girl was 4.5 hours!
    Jennifer Doherty is an officer in the Coast Guard and is stationed in New Orleans, LA. She is currently finishing up her Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Jennifer and her husband have been married for 10 years and just welcomed their first child, Alexandra, in February. She loves to be outdoors and is an avid runner and triathlete.

    Baked Apple Chips

    If you have been to a party with my lately, you know that I have been know to bring apple chips! They are crunchy, sweet, and low calorie (all three things that I love!) My husband and daughters devour them! Now I have been buying these for awhile now in the produce section of our local grocery store but at about $3.00 for a small (very small) bag this tasty snack can get expensive quick. The solution, make my own! Here is a tasty recipe I have found courtesy of Fifteen Spatulas! I hope you enjoy!
    (Picture from Fifteen Spatulas)
    - Brittany
    Have a yummy recipe you want to share, leave it in the comments below! Questions/Comments/Concerns feel free to email us at or leave a comment below. Don't forget to Like us on Facebook!
    "If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food!" - Errick McAdams 

    Just Keep Running!

    ***Before starting any workout please read the disclaimer! It can be found by clicking here! Thank you!***

    I have never been a runner, its just not something that I have every been particularly fond of. I know a lot of people find it exhilarating and therapeutic, like my mother who runs several miles daily (Go Mom!) but I got bored with it fairly quickly. That is until two things happened; 1. I became a mom, and 2. I started to run competitively. After the birth of Sophia, I didn't feel comfortable with leaving her with strangers at the gym so I needed a cardio workout I could do with her, cue the running. So I got a jogging stroller and hit the trails, literally! At this point I still wasn't too fond of running but doing it with the baby helped. Then I signed up for a 5k.

    Now I may be just a tad bit competitive, so this was perfect. The adrenaline, the atmosphere, the chase were all things that I had been looking for with running. 5k's just make running fun for me, plus I can do it with the girls. There are so many different types of 5k's that you can do for so many wonderful causes and charities. So here is a challenge for you.

    Sign up for a 5k. You can find a list of 5k's (or even longer races if your an experienced runner) taking place near you here! I like to go on Living Social or Groupon for discounted tickets. You can find a race for practically anything you like to do so sign up today! If you are pregnant and your a runner you can continue running well into your pregnancy as long as you feel comfortable with it. I ran shorter and shorted distances until I was about 35-36 weeks pregnant with Harper (my second child) I could not and did not do that while pregnant with Sophia (my first). Each pregnancy is different so listen to your body and do what feels right for you! If you feel fine running, run. If you don't, then don't! Just listen to your body and your instincts you know you better than anyone else! If you were not a runner before becoming pregnant, now is probably not the time to start but do not let that detour you from signing up for 5k's! They are still a lot of fun and you will be in good company. There are always plenty of walkers for every race, so Sign Up!

    Pause for you to look up a race and register...... are you signed up yet? Okay ill wait here until you do..... signed up now? If yes, continue reading! If your answer is no, what's stopping you? You can do this! Need more motivation? Shoot me an email and we will train together, now sign up!

    Signed up? Great! Now lets get to training. A 5k is 3.1 miles (yes, that .1 makes a difference! lol)

    Monday- Run
    Tues- Run
    Wed- Cross train
    Thurs- Rest! (yes this is critical- you do not want to injure yourself!)
    Friday- Run
    Sat- Run
    Sun- Rest! (yes this is critical- you do not want to injure yourself!)

    Week 1- You are going to run 1 mile every designated run day. If you can not run 1 mile you are going to run as far as you can leading up to a mile. If you can only run for 2 minutes, that is a great start! You run for 2 minutes and start walking-Do Not Stop! Just take a short break while you walk, long enough for you to catch your breath and start running again. Continue this until you complete 1 mile. The next run day shoot for running for 2 1/2 minutes straight. Continue adding 30 seconds on to each run length. On cross-train days you can lift weights, swim, ride a bike, pick another workout from this blog, really whatever you like to do.

    Week 2- You are going to run 1.5 miles on Monday and Tuesday. If you can not run 1.5 miles without stopping repeat the training steps above. Cross-train on wed. Friday and Saturday you are going to run 1.75 miles.

    Week 3- Monday and Tuesday you will run 2 miles, again repeating the training steps above if you can not run without stopping. Wednesday you will cross-train. Friday and Saturday you are going to run 2.25 miles

    Week 4- Monday and Tuesday you will run 2.5 miles, again repeating the training steps above if you can not run without stopping. Cross train on Wednesday. Friday and Saturday you are going to run 2.75 miles.

    Week 5- Will be slightly different because we are leading up to a race on Saturday. Monday you will run 3 miles. Cross-train on Tuesday. Rest on Wednesday. Thursday you will run 3 miles. Rest on Friday. Saturday you are ready for a 5k (3.1 miles).

    You do not have to finish the race first, you don't even need to run the whole way if your not there yet but taking the steps to get there is a victory in and of itself! You can do this, you are worth getting fit for, and yes it may be difficult but the results are worth it!

    Good Luck!

    Shamrock Run in Savannah GA 2013. We decorated Sophia's stroller for the costume contest (I was 20 something week pregnant)
    Shamrock Run 2013- We ran with a group of Stroller Strides ladies :)
    Celebration Run in Savannah GA at Savannah State University 2013- A group of Stroller Strides Ladies. I was about 34 weeks pregnant
    The Color Run Clearwater FL 2014- My whole family got in on the action!
    We got good and dirty- Also made great time!
    Share your race pictures in the comments below! Have a question/comment/concern feel free to email us at or leave us a comment below. Don't forget to Like us on Facebook!
    "What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination." - Zig Ziglar 

    Cloud Dough

    As a mom, I am always looking for fun sensory things to do with my girls. When I came across this particular craft I knew I had to try it! Here is a recipe for Cloud Dough: 1 cup baby oil (or vegetable oil- baby oil is toxic if ingested and we all know little ones are notorious for putting things in their mouths) 3 cups flour. Mix it together, I mixed ours in a large bin. Then we took it outside to the garage with some sand toys and let the girls go at it. They both loved playing with it and the best part is it doesn't dry out so its perfect for sculpting. It can get a little messy which is why we decided to do it in the garage, that way I just swept it up with the broom and dustpan. We did this on a rainy day when we couldn't go play outside and it kept the girls busy for a long time. Win, win all around!
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    - Brittany 
    Have a fun rainy day activity you want to share, leave us a comment below. Questions, comments, concerns, please email us at or leave us a comment below. Don't forget to Like us on Facebook!
    "Pardon the mess, my children are making memories." -unknown

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    3 Week Core Challenge

    ***Before starting any workout please read the disclaimer! It can be found by clicking here! Thank you!***
    Who doesn't want a better core? This is an easy to follow 3 week guide to a better, stronger core.  On the last day, you will test yourself to see how many you can do! Good Luck!  *This challenge is best suited for women who are not currently pregnant*
    Week 1
         Plank- 25sec
         Sit-ups- 7
         Plank Jacks-7
         Straight leg Crunches-7
        Mountain Climbers- 25sec
         Plank- 30sec
         Sit-ups- 10
         Plank Jacks-10
         Straight leg Crunches-10
        Mountain Climbers- 30sec
         Plank- 35sec
         Sit-ups- 14
         Plank Jacks-14
         Straight leg Crunches-14
        Mountain Climbers- 35sec
        Plank- 40sec
         Sit-ups- 19
         Plank Jacks-19
         Straight leg Crunches-19
        Mountain Climbers- 40sec
         Plank- 45sec
         Sit-ups- 25
         Plank Jacks-25
         Straight leg Crunches-25
        Mountain Climbers- 45sec
    Sunday- Rest
    Week 2
         Plank- 1 min  
         Plank Jacks-30
         Straight leg Crunches-30
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min 
         Plank- 1min 10 sec
         Plank Jacks-35
         Straight leg Crunches-35
        Mountain Climbers- 1min  
         Plank- 1min 20 sec
         Plank Jacks-40
         Straight leg Crunches-40
        Mountain Climbers- 1min
         Plank- 1min 30 sec
         Plank Jacks-45
         Straight leg Crunches-45
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
         Plank- 1min 40sec
         Sit-ups- 50
         Plank Jacks-50
         Straight leg Crunches-50
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min
         Plank- 1min 50 sec
         Plank Jacks-55
         Straight leg Crunches-55
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
    Sunday -Rest
    Week 3
         Plank- 2 min
         Plank Jacks-60
         Straight leg Crunches-60
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
         Plank- 2min 15 sec
         Plank Jacks-65
         Straight leg Crunches-65
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
         Plank- 2min 30 sec
         Plank Jacks-70
         Straight leg Crunches-70
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
         Plank-2 min 45 sec
         Plank Jacks-75
         Straight leg Crunches-75
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
         Plank- 3 min
         Plank Jacks-80
         Straight leg Crunches-80
        Mountain Climbers- 1 min  
    Saturday- complete the minimum and the push yourself to see how many more you can do!  
         Plank- Hold plank at least 3 minutes
         Sit-ups- At least 85
         Plank Jacks- At least 85
         Straight leg Crunches-At least 85
        Mountain Climbers- At least 1 min  
    Sunday -Rest

    Plank- Get in resting push-up position and hold that for the above amount of time. Remember to keep your abs engaged by sucking your belly button in as far as you can to your spine. Control your breathing.

    Sit-ups- Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Cross your arms across your chest. Keeping your neck in a neutral position pull your body up to a sitting position. Remember to keep your abs engaged!

    Plank Jacks- In plank position with your hands firmly planted to the ground hop your legs out to a V shape and back in to plank position (that is 1 plank jack). Remember to keep your abs engaged!

    Straight-Leg Crunches- Lay on your back with your feet in the air and tap your toes. Remember to keep your abs engaged!

    Mountain Climbers- In plank position with your hands firmly planted to the ground bring your right leg forward and tap it underneath you and bring it back to plank position. Continue doing this alternating your feet each time. Remember to keep your abs engaged!

    Good Luck!

    "Its not easy but its worth it! Now repeat that everyday!"- Unknown

    Tell us how your doing in the comments below! Have a question/comment/concern please email us at or leave us a comment below. Don't forget to Like us on Facebook!

    Thursday, April 3, 2014

    Birth Story of the week!

    ***Disclaimer- This post was written by a guest blogger and are the opinions/ideas/views of the author and not necessarily that of Truly Fit. ***

    On February 28, 2013, I spent the entire day nesting and preparing for our little one’s arrival. That day I was 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Surprisingly my water broke around 5:30pm. Contractions started within minutes. At the time, Cody (daddy) was at the commissary, and rushed home even though I told him to take his time. When he got home, I took some time to eat dinner (no telling when I would be able to eat again), while Cody got the entertainment stand we were trying to sell out of the car, and the carseat installed. Within an hour, we were at the hospital, strapped up, and monitoring contractions, which at the time were uncomfortable, but tolerable. At my first check around 6:45, I was 6cm dilated. By the time Cody came back from checking me in, 15 minutes later, I was already 8 cm dilated. Which, unfortunately for me, was too late for an epidural. The contractions were close and very painful. Even though I had to pee, my midwife would not let me up, and I had to use a bed pan and get my bladder drained. I tried anything to get comfortable, but the pain was so bad. Cody told me later I ripped is jeans (there were no bed rails to grab on to) and I could be heard all the way outside the maternity ward. Around 8:00 pm, I started getting the urge to push, and was 9 cm dilated. I pushed for nearly an hour and a half. Finally my doctor tells me the baby’s head was not coming down. He slapped me with the one thing I did not want to hear, C section. Thinking back, I wish I had tried more (walking, squatting, etc.) to get him to come down naturally. But at the time, the pain was so intense I quickly asked how long the spinal block would take, agreed and signed the forms. I was covered up and wheeled off to surgery with just a few minutes to say goodbye to Cody (husbands are not allowed in surgery here in Germany ). I was conveyered onto the surgical table and wheeled into the pre-op room. Still in extreme pain, I had to lie there flat on my back until all was set up, and my doctor came him. He held me as the anesthesiologist started my spinal block, the contractions went away, and my legs became warm and tingly. This was totally opposite from how my top and arms were feeling, which was an intense shivering cold. I was finally brought into the operation room and surgery began. At 10:13pm, Sean Michael Brown was born (18 days before his due date). He weigh 3310 grams(7 lbs 5 oz), was 50cm(19.7 in) long, and his head was 33 cm(13 in) around. Though I did not get to see him until a couple minutes later and then only a brief second before they whisked him off to be cleaned, and checked over. After what felt like forever, I was all stitched up, and taken to a recovery room to monitor as the block wore off. Nearly 2 hours after he was born, I was in my room, and in walks my husband with our precious little boy. 2 hours, and I finally got to hold, kiss, and snuggle the best gift in the entire world. Baby and I spent the next 5 days in the hospital recovering, and working hard to get him to breastfeed. On March 5th, we finally got to go home to begin our journey as a family.

    Kristen is an Army wife and mother to 1 year old, Sean. She currently lives in Germany where she is learning to balance life between working, being a wife & mom, and getting fit. While the majority of her pregnancy was easy, she managed to gain 75 pounds, on top of already being several pounds overweight, and ended her labor with a c section. She has become determined to get healthy and fit for herself, her son, and future pregnancies. Not to mention getting beach body ready for their move to Hawaii. She is passionate about eating healthy and reaching goals, and is committed to make this a lifestyle change.
    "There is no way to be a perfect mother but a million ways to be a good one!"- Unknown 

    Total Body Chair Workout

    ***Before starting any workout please read the disclaimer! It can be found by clicking here! Thank you!***

    This workout is designed to give you a total body workout using nothing but a chair and some running shoes and can be completed in under 1 hour (about 43minutes) There is a little upper body, lower body, core, and cardio in this workout. This is a great workout for both pregnant (can be done at any stage of pregnancy) and not pregnant women. This should be challenging but not painful, if you are experiencing any pain please discontinue the exercise. I also recommend putting the chair against a wall to stabilize it, safety first!

    You will start with a 5 min run/walk, getting as much distance as you can in that amount of time, take a quick break(there will be 20 second rest times)  and then do the circuit 2x's through( each exercise lasting 30 seconds). This will be followed by another 5min run/walk, circuit 2x's through, followed by a final 5 min run/walk. I encourage you to get as many reps in for each exercise as possible and challenge yourself to do more each time through. Good luck!

    • 5 min run/walk
    • 20 second break
    • Chair Squats - Squat down like you are going to sit in the chair without actually sitting down, hover over the chair for a quick second and come back to standing position. repeat as many times as possible in 30 seconds. *remember to keep your stomach sucked in- think of your belly button kissing your spine. Your knees should never go over your toes!*

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    • 20 second rest
    • Chair dips- With the chair against a wall for stability, put your hands on the end of the chair with your feet straight out. Slowly bend your arms and lower yourself down and back up again. Complete as many of these as possible in 30 seconds. 
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    • 20 second rest
    • Chair push-ups- With the chair against a wall for support and facing the chair put your hands on the seat of the chair. Slowly lower yourself forward into a push-up position and back up again. Complete as many of these as possible in 30 seconds.  

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    • 20 second rest
    • Alternating step-ups - With the chair against the wall for support (you can also do these from the side and hold on the back of the chair for more stability) step-up on the chair with your Right foot followed by your left. Step down and then alternate the next step with each foot. Complete as many as you can in 30 seconds. 
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    • 20 second rest
    • Seated flutter kicks- Sit on the end of the chair and put your hands on the back of the chair for stability. Lift both of your legs in the air and kick your legs up and down about 5 inches. (If this is too challenging for pregnant women you can start with your feet on the ground and kick one leg up at a time). Complete as many as possible in 30 seconds. 
    Displaying photo 4.JPG
    • 20 second rest
    • Open/Close leg cross- Sit on the end of the chair and put your hands on the back of the chair for stability. Lift both of your legs and open them as wide as you can. Swing your legs back to the center crossing them in the middle. Complete as many of these as possible in 30 seconds (If this is too challenging for pregnant women complete the modified seated flutter kicks from above). 
    Displaying photo 1.JPG
    • 20 second rest
    • Right side leg kicks- With the chair against a wall for support hold onto the back of the chair for more stability. Gently swing your right leg out as high as you can and back down again. Complete as many of these as possible in 30 seconds. 
    Displaying photo 2.JPG
    • 20 second rest
    • Left side leg kicks- With the chair against a wall for support hold onto the back of the chair for more stability. Gently swing your left leg out as high as you can and back down again. Complete as many of these as possible in 30 seconds. 
    Displaying photo 3.JPG
    • 20 Second rest
    • Complete the circuit a second time through
    • 20 second rest
    • 5 min run/walk
    • 20 second rest
    • Complete the circuit 2x's through
    • 20 second rest
    • 5 min run/walk
    Don't forget to drink plenty of water during this exercise! This can also be shortened for time purposes but completing the circuit 1 time through instead of 2. You can also extend your cardio time by running/walking for longer amounts of time or if running is too difficult you can do any cardio of your choice (swim, bike, elliptical, etc.)
    Take a sweaty selfie and post it in the comments below! Have a question/comment/concern? Shoot us an email at or leave us a comment below. Be sure to Like us on Facebook!
    "Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up"- Chinese proverb